The fourth workshop, in Estonia, consisted of a continuation of the lesson study cycle that was initiated in the previous workshop, with observation of lessons and other teaching practices in the participating school. Over the five days the primary focus of this workshop was on developing and sustaining communities of practice — both in one’s school and online. During this LTT, the teachers also reviewed and provided feedback on the handbooks and other resources (e.g. the explanatory videos and website) that had been created thus far, providing suggestions and making edits where necessary.  

The main tangible outcome of this LTT was the revision and refinement of the Communities of Practice Handbook (O5). The initial draft was circulated to all participants prior to the LTT, and time during the workshop was given over to its evaluation and refinement. Other outcomes included a third iteration of a “Theory of Change” with the partners, which encouraged them to reflect on their progress toward their individual goals and plan ahead in order to achieve their goals. Finally, the workshop itself was evaluated using a google form, and the results were used to facilitate workshop development going forward.



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